Affiliate Program FAQ: Why Do I Have to Pay to Sign Up?

Why Do I Have to Pay to Sign Up?

In designing our SPGFAN Affiliate Program, we have done countless hours of research. We’ve seen all kinds of legitimate, as well as questionable, programs out there across all media formats.

We know that some programs don’t require a start up fee. You just spread the word, and earn the bucks.

We thought about offering a program without a start up fee. But, if that were the case, you’d only be able to earn smaller amounts on our membership packages, because it is most definitely our goal to keep our other membership fees as inexpensive as possible.

Affordability for our Founding Members is a huge component we stand behind at SPGFAN, and I don’t want to stray from that.

So, by requiring an Affiliate start up fee, we are actually increasing YOUR earning potential. Because any Affiliate Member that joins from YOUR link, pays you $20.00. And, if you are good at spreading genuine SPGFAN value to your content consumers, we are positive you will be QUITE successful with our program! We want you to earn your investment back ASAP! And we will do whatever we can to ensure that you do! We don’t want anyone to have a bad experience as a SPGFAN Affiliate!

And, let’s face it, requiring a start up fee actually DOES help ensure the folks that sign up with us can be more successful. It does weed out the people that might not be willing to work hard to spread the word. And then, those people would end up disappointed. And that isn’t what we want!

If you are prepared to invest in SPGFAN, we know you are prepared to maximize YOUR earning potential!

$47.99 is a modest amount that will keep you on your toes, and keep us at the top of our game. If you invest in us, we will invest in you!

We want EVERY SPGFAN Affiliate to be successful with our program, and we will help you with any tools you need to ensure you are getting YOUR money’s worth back from us!

If you sign up 3 other AFFILIATE MEMBERS, you’ve made money!

If you sign up 8 ALL ACCESS MEMBERS, you’ve made money!

If you sign up 17 FOUNDING MEMBERS, you’ve made money!

So, look at those numbers.

Think about your audience.

Get familiar with SPGFAN.

If you think you can spread that much enthusiasm and excitement for what we are doing here at the Smiles Per Gallon Family Adventure Network, then LET’S DO THIS!

But, only do it if you think you CAN!