I really do believe kids have the most fun just being able to let loose and have some good, old-fashioned PLAYTIME.
When we travel, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to over-schedule and cram as many activities into a day as we can.
And, to be honest, I can get to quite a few places in a very short period of time.
However, with that being said, I always, always recommend squeezing in time for unstructured play.
Whether it is swinging on a swing, climbing a tree, collecting rocks, or just digging in the sand on the beach…
Make sure kids can be kids!
And you will also be ensuring they take home the greatest memories!
And, now, I present to you,
Digging on Cypremort Point Beach in Cypremort Point State Park in, yep, you guessed it, Cypremort Point, Louisiana!