The walk across the dam, and the sights of Lake Mead and the Mike O’Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, are the more commonly iconic shots from a trip to Hoover Dam.
But, even without taking the tour, there is still a lot more to see and do!
A museum with interactive exhibits showcasing the flood control and irrigation benefits for farmers south of the dam in the Colorado River Basin; monuments; sculptures; memorials to workers that dedicated their lives to the construction of this marvel; and even a touching tribute to “The Dog Who Owned a Dam,” the beloved mascot of the Hoover Dam construction crew.
And don’t forget to explore the science and technology of the very active, currently operating Hoover Dam itself! So, yes, DO take the tour if your schedule allows. It is FASCINATING to be inside all of the inner workings of this behemoth dam!
Here are a few random shots from throughout the Hoover Dam area!
Click on any photo for more information on the construction of Hoover Dam!
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