Top Family-Friendly Destinations in New Hampshire!
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Top Family-Friendly Destinations in New Hampshire!
Albany Historical Society Museum | Albany |
New Hampshire Snowmobile Museum | Allenstown |
Richard Diehl Civilian Conservation Corps Museum | Allenstown |
Alstead Historical Museum | Alstead |
Harold S. Gilman Museum | Alton |
Chapel Museum | Amherst |
Wigwam Museum | Amherst |
Andover Historical Society Museum | Andover |
Ashland Railroad Station Museum | Ashland |
Glidden Toy Museum | Ashland |
Whipple House Museum | Ashland |
Kimball House Museum | Atkinson |
Kendall Shop Museum and Carriage House | Bedford |
Moffett House Museum & Genealogy Center | Berlin |
Northern Forest Heritage Park | Berlin |
Bethlehem Heritage Society Museum | Bethlehem |
Boscawen Historical Museum | Boscawen |
Old River Road School | Bridgewater |
Andres Institute of Art | Brookline |
Campton Historical Society Museum | Campton |
Canaan Historical Society Museum | Canaan |
Fitts Museum | Candia |
Canterbury Shaker Village | Canterbury |
Grant Hall Museum of Ossipee History | Center Ossipee |
Elisha Marston House Museum | Center Sandwich |
Quimby Barn | Center Sandwich |
Fort at Number 4 | Charlestown |
Chatham Historical Society Museum | Chatham |
Chichester Historical Society Museum | Chichester |
Claremont Historical Society Museum | Claremont |
Colebrook Area Historical Society | Colebrook |
Poore Family Homestead and Historic Farm Museum | Colebrook |
Kimball Jenkins Estate | Concord |
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center | Concord |
New Hampshire Historical Society | Concord |
New Hampshire State House | Concord |
Pierce Manse | Concord |
Contoocook Railroad Depot | Contoocook |
Eastman Lord House | Conway |
Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site | Cornish |
Danbury North Road Schoolhouse Museum | Danbury |
Derry Museum of History | Derry |
Robert Frost Farm | Derry |
Dorchester Historical Museum | Dorchester |
Children’s Museum of New Hampshire | Dover |
Woodman Institute Museum | Dover |
Dublin Schoolhouse Museum | Dublin |
Durham Historic Museum | Durham |
University of New Hampshire Museum | Durham |
District #5 School | East Washington |
Enfield Shaker Museum | Enfield |
Lockhaven Schoolhouse Museum | Enfield |
Epping Historical Society Museum | Epping |
American Independence Museum | Exeter |
Exeter Historical Society | Exeter |
Gilman Garrison House | Exeter |
Henry Wilson Museum | Farmington |
Amos J. Blake House Museum | Fitzwilliam |
Francestown Improvement and Historical Society Museum | Francestown |
Franconia Heritage Museum | Franconia |
The Frost Place | Franconia |
New England Ski Museum | Franconia |
Daniel Webster Birthplace State Historic Site | Franklin |
Works Barn Museum & Allard House | Freedom |
Fremont Historical Museum | Fremont |
Thompson-Ames Historical Society Museums | Gilford |
Gilmanton Historical Society | Gilmanton |
Goffstown Historical Society Museum | Goffstown |
Gorham Historical Society Museum | Gorham |
Greenfield Historical Society Museum | Greenfield |
Great Bay Discovery Center | Greenland |
Hampstead Historic Library Museum | Hampstead |
James House Museum | Hampton |
Tuck Museum | Hampton |
Hancock Historical Society | Hancock |
Hood Museum of Art | Hanover |
Hopkins Center for the Arts | Hanover |
Webster Cottage Museum | Hanover |
Haverhill Historical Society Museum | Haverhill |
Henniker Historical Society Museum | Henniker |
Franklin Pierce Homestead | Hillsborough |
Holderness Historical Society Museum | Holderness |
Always Ready Engine House | Hollis |
Wheeler House | Hollis |
Hopkinton Historical Society | Hopkinton |
Hudson Historical Society | Hudson |
Hartmann Model Railroad & Toy Museum | Intervale |
Museum of White Mountain Art | Jackson |
Melville Academy Museum | Jaffrey |
Jefferson Historical Society Museum | Jefferson |
Historical Society of Cheshire County Museum | Keene |
Horatio Colony House | Keene |
Wyman Tavern | Keene |
Belknap Mill | Laconia |
Funspot Family Fun Center: American Classic Arcade Museum | Laconia |
Laconia Historical and Museum Society | Laconia |
John Wingate Weeks Estate | Lancaster |
Wilder-Holton House | Lancaster |
AVA Gallery | Lebanon |
Lee Historical Society Museum | Lee |
Upper Pemigewasset Historical Society and Museum | Lincoln |
Lisbon Area Historical Museum | Lisbon |
Littleton Area Historical Society | Littleton |
Morrison House Museum | Londonderry |
Academy Hall Museum | Lyme |
Madison Historical Society Museum | Madison |
America’s Credit Union Museum | Manchester |
Amoskeag Fishways Learning and Visitors Center | Manchester |
Aviation Museum of New Hampshire | Manchester |
Currier Museum of Art | Manchester |
Lawrence L. Lee Scouting Museum | Manchester |
Millyard Museum | Manchester |
SEE Science Center | Manchester |
Zimmerman House | Manchester |
Tuftonboro Historical Society Museum | Melvin Village |
Main Street Museum | Meredith |
Pottle Meeting House | Meredith |
Aidron Duckworth Art Museum | Meriden |
Merrimack Historical Society Museum | Merrimack |
Carey House | Milford |
New Hampshire Farm Museum | Milton |
Mont Vernon Historical Society Museum | Mont Vernon |
Castle in the Clouds | Moultonborough |
Loon Center | Moultonborough |
Moultonborough Town House | Moultonborough |
Old Country Store and Museum | Moultonborough |
Tip-Top House | Mount Washington State Park |
Abbot-Spaulding House | Nashua |
Florence H. Speare Memorial Museum | Nashua |
Barrett House | New Ipswich |
New London Historical Society | New London |
The Fells | Newbury |
Old Town Hall | Newington |
Stone School Museum | Newmarket |
Little Red Schoolhouse Museum | Newport |
Newport Historical Society Museum | Newport |
Marshall House Museum | Newton |
MWV Children’s Museum | North Conway |
Marion Blodgett Museum | North Stratford |
Muster Field Farm Museum | North Sutton |
Clark’s Trading Post | North Woodstock |
Northwood Historical Society Museum | Northwood |
Nottingham Square Schoolhouse Museum | Nottingham |
Patuccoway Grange Museum | Nottingham |
Van Dame School Museum and Research Center | Nottingham |
Mariposa Museum | Peterborough |
Monadnock Center for History and Culture | Peterborough |
Sharon Arts Center | Peterborough |
Pittsburg Historical Society Museum | Pittsburg |
Plaistow Historical Society | Plaistow |
Museum of the White Mountains | Plymouth |
Plymouth Historical Society Museum | Plymouth |
Governor John Langdon House | Portsmouth |
Jackson House | Portsmouth |
John Paul Jones House | Portsmouth |
Moffatt-Ladd House | Portsmouth |
Portsmouth Athenæum | Portsmouth |
Rundlet-May House | Portsmouth |
Strawbery Banke | Portsmouth |
Tobias Lear House | Portsmouth |
USS Albacore (AGSS-569) | Portsmouth |
Warner House | Portsmouth |
Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion | Portsmouth |
Wentworth-Gardner House | Portsmouth |
Raymond Historical Society | Raymond |
Rindge Historical Society Museum | Rindge |
Rochester Museum of Fine Arts | Rochester |
Mary Baker Eddy Historic House | Rumney |
Rumney Historical Society Museum | Rumney |
Rye Historical Society Museum | Rye |
Seacoast Science Center | Rye |
Salem Historical Museum | Salem |
Salisbury Historical Society Museum | Salisbury |
Lane Tavern | Sanbornton Square |
Sandown Historical Society & Museum | Sandown |
Mount Washington Observatory Museum | Sargent’s Purchase |
Peabody Farm Museum | Shelburne |
Summersworth Historical Society | Somersworth |
Sugar Hill Historical Museum | Sugar Hill |
Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm | Tamworth |
Troy Historical Society Museum | Troy |
Academy Museum | Walpole |
Little Nature Museum | Warner |
Main Street House Museum | Warner |
Mount Kearsarge Indian Museum | Warner |
New Hampshire Telephone Museum | Warner |
Warren Historical Museum | Warren |
Washington Historical Society Museum | Washington |
Margret and H.A. Rey Center | Waterville Valley |
Stone Building Museum | Weare |
Old Webster Meeting House | Webster |
Lake Winnipesaukee Museum | Weirs Beach |
Springfield Historical Museum | West Springfield |
Westmoreland Historical Society | Westmoreland |
Sheridan House Museum | Winchester |
Windham Museum | Windham |
Clark House Museum Complex | Wolfeboro |
Libby Museum | Wolfeboro |
New Hampshire Boat Museum | Wolfeboro |
Wright Museum | Wolfeboro |
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