Kadie the Cow – Columbus, Georgia – 05/05/2021

In the late 1960’s Kinnett Dairy of Columbus, Georgia, constructed Kadie the Cow as their behemothly bovine mascot!

She has stood proudly overlooking the land below for over 50 years!

The Dairy is gone, as is the Best Buy who more recently occupied the space behind Kadie.

But, fortunately for everyone else passing through Columbus, Kadie maintains a Historical Landmark status and has been granted permanent residency where she stands!

If you’d like to visit Kadie the Cow, CLICK HERE for a map!

We love Kadie! Be sure to say hello if you are visiting Columbus, Georgia with your family!

If you’d like to see a list of all the Family Friendly Things to Do in Columbus, Georgia


Columbus is a FABULOUS destination!

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