First things first with this collection of photos, I do like to point out that these horses are WILD. You should NEVER approach them, or deliberately enter into close proximity with them!
NEVER call to them, and NEVER, EVER feed them!
With that being said, however, there are many times they will indeed be very close to you.
And there are times you can be in your vehicle and they WILL approach you!
Just be very calm, and very quiet.
They can be dangerous if provoked or frightened.
Some of these photos are taken with a zoom lens, so they appear closer than they actually are.
And one mama scared the @#$%@! out of us when she approached our window!
As we were able, without hurting her in any way, we slowly rolled our window up.
These photos are priceless to us as memories!
But, I definitely want to be clear that we did not entice her in any way to pay us a surprise visit!
But, with all that being said, these horses are FABULOUS!
And it is amazing to be able to watch them in their natural environment!
I always recommend Assateague Island as a wonderful family vacation destination. Especially for horse lovers of any kind, and especially for lovers of Marguerite Henry’s Classic Chincoteague Tales of our Childhood!

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