If you want the full flavor of The Neon Museum, you definitely HAVE to add Brilliant! to your itinerary.
Strolling through Vegas Yesteryear in The Boneyard is very powerful, but it’s only HALF the experience!
Trust me, you don’t want HALF the emotion… HALF the history…
A mere fraction of the sensory input is NOT enough!
But, that’s all I’m going to tell you about,
Because you simply HAVE to,
Not just SEE it,
For yourself!
Let yourself fall in love with Vegas…
It’s Brilliant, Baby!
Like Neon?
Check out ALL our Neon Museum Albums!
Album One: The Neon Museum Boneyard During the Day!
Album Two: The Boneyard Aglow!
Album Three: Tim Burton’s Lost Vegas Exhibit!
Album Four: Brilliant! A Neon Museum Experience!
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