The crown jewel of Alysia’s 20th Birthday Experience was a visit to The Neon Museum in Las Vegas!
She has quite the fondness and appreciation for neon, both modern and nostalgic, and what better place to enjoy this phenomenon of science-meeting-art-for-the-sake-of-history than The Neon Museum!
And, even better yet, when I started doing my research for our visit, I saw that they were currently hosting a Tim Burton exhibit!
And Tim Burton just happens to be one of Alysia’s favorite writers/artists/directors…
Many of his movies make each of our favorites list.
But, all that to say, we knew we HAD to be here for her birthday!
This first collection consists primarily of The Neon Boneyard Collection during the day.
I will add most of the Tim Burton highlights in their own post.
And then, there are some photos of the signs as it was getting a little darker.
And finally, we enjoyed Brilliant! A Neon Museum Experience, and have some photos from that.
So, if you are interested in Neon, Tim Burton, or Vegas in general, be sure to check out all 4 albums as I get them added!
The nostalgia represented in these collections deserves massive appreciation. The preservation of these pieces is such a gift!
I hope you enjoy the images, and if you haven’t already, consider a trip to The Neon Museum next time you are in Vegas!
It’s FABULOUS, baby!
Like Neon?
Check out ALL our Neon Museum Albums!
Album One: The Neon Museum Boneyard During the Day!
Album Two: The Boneyard Aglow!
Album Three: Tim Burton’s Lost Vegas Exhibit!
Album Four: Brilliant! A Neon Museum Experience!
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