In the very heart of Downtown Huntsville, Alabama you will find Big Spring International Park.
Be sure to spend time with some of the park’s most popular permanent residents!
The friendly ducks, spirited geese, and colorful koi fish!
Pay stations set up throughout the park give kids a chance to feed their new avian and aquatic friends a healthy diet for just a few quarters in the slot.
We visit Huntsville pretty frequently and never miss a chance to stroll along the lake and canals, feeding our hungry buddies along the way!
Check out all the baby ducklings, too!
They’re so darned cute!
This Mama Duck and her babies definitely has us channeling some classic Robert McCloskey for story time.
Make Way for Ducklings always was one of our favorites!
YOUR Family Guide to Huntsville, Alabama!
Hundreds of THE Coolest Things to See, Do, Eat, and Drink in The Rocket City!
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